Wednesday, January 28, 2015

You Won’t Believe What I Saw at the Mall!

I Peter 2:9-12

Oh God!

I just saw the most bizarre people, clothing, and fashion!  I couldn’t stop staring!  Thankfully I didn’t point!  But my experience set me to thinking about our very deep-seated human need to answer questions.  Who am I?  Who am I in You?  My parents have sought to define me.  My siblings have sought to define me.  My community, schools, church, and workplace cast me into a role which I am to play.

I remember when I moved. I found myself talking about “going home,” while referring to two different places simultaneously!  I was struggling with identifying where I was from.  As time passed, my identity was shaped by place and home.  It takes time to shape a new identity.

Thank You for being patient with me as You shape identity in me.  Life-giving salvation happens in a moment by Your grace through my faith, but it takes time to learn what it means to be “in Christ,” to identify myself with Jesus, the Church, and righteousness.  Help me to find my identity in You so that the world will identify me as Yours.

You called the Hebrew people out of pagan Egypt in order to separate them to Yourself.  You called them from the paganism, immorality, heathen practice, fear, idolatry and superstition that dominated Egyptian civilization, worship, and life.  You called them to the worship and service of the true and living God.   You told them:  “You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6).  The Hebrews had an identity shaped by nearly 400 years as slaves.  In their thoughts, emotions, and identity, they were still slaves.  You called them to Yourself.

You open the New Covenant to all people.  You welcome Gentiles.  You include even me in the hope of a new identity. Our Identity is in Christ!  What a thrilling Identity!

When I see others’ bizarre attempts at fitting in and establishing identity, I chuckle. Youth fashion, clothing, music, entertainment, body alterations, customized cars...  A quest for identity in some reference point outside ourselves. Do my attempts at belonging make You laugh?  Help me not to miss the fact that You created me to find my identity in a reference point outside myself–You. “We were made for Thee, and we cannot rest until we rest in Thee” (St.Augustine).

So You keep probing, questioning: “Do you know who you are?”  The question is not to create insecurity, but to keep drawing us to relationship with the Point of Reference–Our Creator–You.  Thank You for Your persistent pursuit.  Define me. Teach me who I can be in You.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

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