Friday, January 16, 2015


Galatians 5:16-26, Philippians 3:1, 4:4

Dear Jesus,

All too often I allow circumstances to diminish by joy.   I understand that happiness is an emotion that may fluctuate based upon circumstances, but scripture teaches that joy is a fruit of the Spirit that transcends circumstances.

I have been praying for a specific miracle for over one year.  I am in the midst of seeing that miracle birthed.  I acknowledge the miracle of it all.  I rejoice on some level.  I give You praise and thanksgiving.  I don’t believe that I am ungrateful for the work that You are doing in response to faith and prayer.  But I find in my heart the conjunction “but.”  I can thank You for the miracle that is underway, but I always want more.  I always need more from You.  And my “but” strikes me as ungrateful.

You are the One True God, not some superstitious product of my imagination.  I want to be able to worship You.  I want to thank You unconditionally.  I don’t want to treat You like a vending machine.  I don’t want to abuse You like some genie in the bottle, and confuse that for prayer.  I don’t want to manipulate You like some rabbit’s foot.   I don’t want to treat You like a fictitious Santa Claus, appealing to You with my proclamation, “My name is Jimmy, and I’ll take what you gimme!”  I don’t want You to judge me as worshiping You from the “First Church of the Four Leaf Clover,” where I practice horseshoe religion.  You are not some saccharin Candy Man who always keeps me on the dole with periodic sweets.  I don’t want a god my size.  You are God.

So, I know that I need.  I know that You give.  I know that You want me to ask.  I want to ask with joy and thanksgiving.  I want to approach You with worship that is worthy of You.  In my state of constant need, I don’t want to miss the celebration of joy at the miracle You are accomplishing in this moment.  I don’t want to have an ungrateful spirit that says, “Yes, God is doing a miracle, but if another one doesn’t happen soon, He has failed us.”  That attitude is ungrateful.  I reject it.  I refuse it.  I choose praise.  I choose joy.  I choose to celebrate You and Your marvelous acts!

I want to live out an irrepressible joy, the fruit of Your Spirit in my life, that transcends circumstances.  Paul lived out joy in prison.  Believers throughout the centuries counted martyrdom for Christ as a joy and a privilege.  Teach me to live with deep roots, grounded in You, that tap into Your Holy Spirit’s vast supply of joy.

In Jesus’ Name,

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