Sunday, December 20, 2015

Save Us!

Matthew 1:25, 21:9, Psalm 148:1

Dear Jesus, Savior,

Save us!  “Save us” is the cry throughout the centuries.

When the Hebrew people called the name of their General Joshua, they were crying out “Save us!”  You raised up this leader to be a savior to his people.  What did he save his people from?
Joshua saved his nation with a good report of the land of Canaan. When the 10 spies rebelled with an evil report, Joshua saved everyone under 40 years of age when the people refused to enter Canaan at Kadesh-Barnea.  Joshua saved the Hebrews during forty years of wandering in the desert.  Joshua saved his nation at the flood-tide of the Jordan.  He saved his nation in the conquest of Canaan.  He saved Rahab, the harlot,  at Jericho, and she became one of Your ancestors. He pointed us to You, the One who would “save his people from their sins.”

Hosea, the prophet, saved Gomer, his slave-wife, from the life of prostitution into which she sold herself.  God broke Hosea’s heart for the spiritual prostitution his people had committed against You.  Hosea sought to save the people of Judah who had prostituted themselves after the gods of other nations.  Hosea pointed us to You, the One who would “save his people from their sins.”

Your birth and death were marked with “Save us.”  Mary and Joseph named You Jesus–Hoshea in Hebrew–because You would save Your people from their sins.  On Palm Sunday, the crowds mobbed You crying “Hosanna, to the Son of David!”  They spread their coats on the road as a pavement for You as You rode the donkey into Jerusalem.  “Hosanna, to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest!”

What did it all mean?

“Save us!”

The Hebrew people thought You would be their Savior from international military oppression.  One nation after another–Babylon, Egypt, Rome–had oppressed them.  They wanted a political savior.  They wanted a military savior.  You came for something more.  True salvation. You came to save Your “people from their sins.”  You simply want me to cry from the depths of my soul, “Hosanna, Jesus!  Save us now, Savior!”

Hoshea.  Hosanna.  Jesus.  Save us.


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