Friday, December 18, 2015

I Can't Wait

Genesis 3:15, 49:10, Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 9:2-7, Micah 5:2, Revelation 13:8

Precious Savior,

I remember the longing and anticipation I felt as a child waiting for Christmas morning so.  I remember studying the old Sears and Roebuck Wish Book and dreaming of Christmas.  I remember saying, “I can’t wait till...”  But alas, we had to wait.  I remember waiting until that Christmas morning.  I had asked for a BB gun.  I had it all picked out in the Wish Book.  It was lever action, modeled after the 30-30 lever action rifle.  It looked like the guns on the cowboy movies.  It looked like the gun that won the West.  I remember that Christmas morning when I saw the long narrow package under the tree.  James and I both had one.  We had to wait until Dad read the Christmas story.  “I can’t wait...”  We had to wait until Dad prayed the Christmas prayer.  “I can’t wait...”

As soon as Dad said “Amen,” it was like the starter’s pistol at the track meet had fired.  We were off!  We tore at the paper!  I remember getting through the paper to the box.  It was my BB gun!  I tugged at the huge staples at the end of the box.  Dad pulled out his pocket knife to work at them.  They finally came loose and I slid my new BB gun out of the box.  There it was, my new BB gun!  I had said, “I can’t wait!”   But I had waited, and it was worth it.

Perhaps my waiting for Christmas gives me an insight into the longing of the ages–the wait for Your promise.  The wait had started in the Garden of Eden.  The wait for the promised offspring of woman that would set Your people free from the bondage of sin.

Isaiah describes humanity waiting in the dark, until that darkness was penetrated by God’s promise of the Prince of Peace, the Messiah.  Help me to wait in anticipation for You to shatter darkness.  Help me to see You as my hope and deliverance in the face of drudgery, death and oppression.  You are Immanuel, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Righteous King, the Divine Servant, the Anointed Preacher, and the Mighty Savior.  You are worth the wait!

As I wait for You to come in a fresh and new way, fill me with wonder at Your first coming.  As I ponder a loving couple, a virgin mother, a long trip, government taxation, angelic hosts, shepherds, and a packed village, help me to make room for You.  I am leaving the VACANCY sign of my heart lit for You.  I wait with anticipation of Your fresh arrival to my heart, dwell in me.

“O come to my heart, Lord Jesus.  There is room in my heart for thee.”


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