Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Security or Adventure?

Matthew 12:30a NKJV "He who is not with Me is against Me..."
II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Dear God,

William Barclay writes:  "Most people would rather have security than adventure, and the older they grow the more that is so. A challenge always involves an adventure; Christ comes to us with a challenge, and so often we would rather have the comfort of selfish inaction than the adventure of action for Christ." (William Barclay in The Gospel of Matthew, vol. 1, p. 45).

I know this reality of wanting security.  I am convicted for my desire for a life governed by sight rather than a life of faith.  Sight seeks to control the variables in a quest toward security.  Sight demands data, predictability, and known information. Sight is realistic.

But You keep challenging me toward a life of faith. Adventure.  You challenge me to something greater than my ability to control variables in a quest for security.  You challenge me to a life of adventure with You.  

This adventure demands that I take a stand.  I must make decisions.  I must lead.  All too often I don't know where to stand or what goal to pursue.  But in the face of my own ignorance, I place myself firmly on Your side.  Barclay asks:  "Am I truly on the Lord's side, or, am I trying to shuffle through life in a state of cowardly neutrality?" (William Barclay in The Gospel of Matthew, vol. 1, p. 45). God forbid that I should ever capitulate to a position of neutrality that diminishes my Lord Christ or Your Gospel.

I love You.  I love the adventure of living for You.  I will follow You.  I will endure the challenge.  I will face the foe.  I will fight the battles.  I will endure bravely.  But I can only be faithful to Your charge, not by grit, resolve, or self-determination, but by Your grace through faith.

In the Name of my God who leads me squarely into adventure,

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