Thursday, September 28, 2017

From Surviving to Thriving

Haggai 1-2

Dear God,

You have plans to restore, promote, and defend your people. You did it for Israel. You do it for your church. Thank you.

You have called me to serve in a place whose survival has depended upon your restoration, promotion, and defense. As we move from surviving to thriving, we move in your strength alone.

In the midst of Hebrew repatriation to Israel following Babylonian captivity, Haggai was faced with the prospect of an unfinished temple to Jehovah God. He marshaled the forces of Hebrew contributions and labor, prophetically urging the people finish God's house.

Dennis Kinlaw summarized Haggai's message: "God will take us to the place where He wants us to be. He will restore to us the things we have lost through our own foolishness. He will never abandon us in exile."

Lord, I am trusting you to take the ministry I serve to the place you want us to be. Help us to embrace the journey to go where you send us, maintain the mission focus you desire for us, and have the impact to make disciples of Jesus Christ as  command us to do.

As we enjoy the season of thriving to which You are calling us, we hear Your words ringing in our ears: "Be strong, all you people... and work; for I am with you... the silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine... the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former... And in this place I will give peace" (Haggai 2:4, 8-9).

Thank You for the confidence we have in You and the victory You assure as You move us from surviving to thriving.

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

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