Thursday, September 21, 2017

Run it Like a Business!

I Chronicles 13:1-14

Precious Father,

I am struck with the awesome responsibility of leadership. King David was a man after Your own heart, yet his blunders caused others death, pain, and sorrow.

Saul had gambled in warfare and lost. Saul lost the ark of the covenant in a cavalier gamble. The ark of the covenant which Saul had risked, abusing it as a good luck charm, and bringing it to the battlefield to motivate the army, was captured when the Philistines overran the Hebrew military. Saul and his sons lay dead on the battlefield. 

David sought to correct the sins of Saul, by restoring the ark of the covenant to its rightful place at the tabernacle in Jerusalem. But he failed to consult Your requirements for moving the ark. You required priests to carry the ark on long poles inserted through load bearing rings on the ark. Instead, David used a common oxcart. When the ark appeared to slide dangerously off the cart, Uzza, one of the workmen, touched it and died. 

Recounting that story from scripture sends chills through my body. You remind me that holy tasks must be conducted with holy methods. Holy methods must be driven by holy motives, not mere expediency. You judge my motives. 

Often, church and ministry boards proclaim, "We have to run this place like a business." Frequently, such a proclamation misses the mark. If we simply seek to run Your work like a business, Uzza ends up dead. David is mourning his failed leadership. And a tabernacle remains absent of Your Presence. 

Today, help me to live in holiness. Help me to lead Your business like it's Your business. Fill me with your Spirit that I may perform holy tasks from a clean and holy heart. Protect me from "end justifies the means" living that legitimizes any sinful method to attain the pragmatic conclusion, "It worked." Help us to run it like God's business.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

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