Saturday, March 17, 2018

Beginning to Know God

When God called me to serve Him through the mission of Wesley Biblical Seminary, He called me to leave everything I knew and loved and follow Jesus wherever He would lead. As a result of His call and my simple obedience, I have been privileged to witness some of the greatest miracles of my life. God has provided in incredible and irrefutable ways. 

Amidst His provision, He often scares me. I have frequently lived the terror of standing on top of a high mountain cliff, and have sensed God grip me firmly by the belt, lead me to the edge, and encourage me to lean out. “Trust me,” is His tender, yet urgent appeal. “Lean out. I’ve got you. There’s a great view from here.”

Then, He provides in astounding ways. Dennis Kinlaw wrote that “The miracle is not simply an act of God to meet a need; it also becomes a parable with spiritual significance.” If that truth extends beyond scripture to the lives we lead, then my life is nothing short of a parable—a parable of the miraculous.

Kinlaw wrote: “Jesus may be meeting the physical needs of your life, and yet you may be totally unaware that He wants to meet a much deeper and more burning need of your heart.” Through desperate seasons of lack that demand faith and resilience, even amidst great fear and weakness, He is teaching me utter dependence. He is teaching me the simplicity of rising again the next day, facing the adversity with my hand in His, acknowledging my lack, and moving forward in faith. 

In this journey, I am beginning to know Him. 

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