Friday, September 11, 2015

I've Just Seen Jesus

Revelation 1:12-13 NKJV
"Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band."

Dear Jesus,

I try to place myself in John's vision when he hears Your voice.  I imagine that I am John, and I turn toward the voice that is speaking to me.  I want to hear You.  I want to see You.  I want to glimpse the image of the divine.

John had saturated himself in the Old Testament, the only Bible of his day.  William Barclay writes: "The best way to prepare oneself for the new revelation of truth is to study, and feed the heart on, the revelation which God has already given in His own word" (In The Revelation of John, vol. 1, 1964, p. 56).  John was ready. 

As I turn to gaze upon You, there You are, standing amidst the seven lampstands--Your church.  The lampstand is a familiar symbol.  A gold candlestick graced the Tabernacle with seven lamps (Exodus 25:31-37). A gold candlestick graced Solomon's Temple (I Kings 7:39).  A gold candlestick with seven lamps graced the temple of Zechariah's vision (Zechariah 4:23).

Although I have never seen You, I somehow know You.  I recognize You. The clothes, the candlesticks... It is You.

The robe reaches to Your feet.  It reminds me of the robe the High Priest wore in the tabernacle and temple.  It reminds me of the royal robe of kingship.  It reminds me of the robe worn by the angelic messenger who appeared to Daniel.  I now can see You in Your "threefold eternal office of Prophet, Priest and King, the one who brings the truth of God, the one who enables others to enter the presence of God, the one to whom God has given the power and the dominion and the throne for ever" (ibid, p. 58).

I've just seen Jesus, I tell you He's alive
I've just seen Jesus, our precious Lord alive
And I knew He really saw me too
As if till now I'd never lived
All that I'd done before won't matter anymore
I've just seen Jesus and I'll never be the same again
(Bill Gaither)

I worship You, my Lord Jesus Christ, as I see You revealed in the pages of Holy Scripture, with the eye of faith, and in the inner assurance of Your Holy Spirit to my heart by faith.

In the Name of my ever-living Lord Jesus, Prophet, Priest, and King,

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