Precious Lord Jesus,
You declare that we who believe in You are the salt of the earth. This metaphor inspires me with lessons of purity, preservation, and purpose! I want to be exactly that–the salt of the earth!
I have made the proclamation of others, that they are “the salt of the earth.” I have complimented them for their winsome witness, character, and example that serves as the underpinning of a healthy family, church, and society.
I walked through the mall food court near meal time. In front of restaurant after restaurant, one establishment after another had positioned a smiling, attractive uniformed employee with a plate of food, prepared in toothpick speared bite-sized pieces. “Would you like a sample?” was the invitation to would-be tasters. Passing through the grocery store on a busy morning, shoppers thronged the aisles. Yet again, the pleasant staff promoted a taste test of deliciously prepared meat, cheese, spreads, dips, and all sorts of tasty treats.
You tell us that we, Your believing children, are the “salt of the earth.” When You describe us that way, You imply that my life is be a purifying and preserving influence that demonstrates purpose. My life is to be like an irresistibly delicious, salty snack that others long to taste.
Pour the salt of Your purifying Holy Spirit into my life. Rub me down with it! Penetrate my character with Your purity. Make me to be a preserving influence in a world that is hurrying toward Hell. In the face of moral and spiritual decay, use me to draw dead and dying to You, the Source of Life! Energize and invest me with a zest and purpose for living that makes others long for what I have found in You. Then, grant me the courage to point them to You, the Origin of my purpose.
Your Word indicates that people want a taste of salt. People are taste testers. As folks amble through the marketplace of life, may my life exude the aroma of Christ, drawing them to have a taste of my joy and satisfaction in You. Help me to be a good representative of purity, preservation, and purpose that makes them proclaim “I want to taste that kind of life!”
In the Name of the Author of purity, preservation, and purpose,
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