Saturday, October 1, 2016

Examination Time

Lamentations 3:40 "Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Dear God,

Take me on a journey. Lift me from the immediacy of my moments. I cannot help but live my life too closely. Help me to pull back. Grant me perspective. Show me who I am.

Examine my ways. I have routines and habits in my life to which I have grown so accustomed that I have no objective evaluation of them. Someone has said that “A rut is a grave with both ends knocked out.” Examine my ruts that are killing me. Reveal my habits to me. Grant me grace to repent and trust You for transformation.

Try my motivations. Show me selfishness, control, self-seeking, revenge, spitefulness, pride, lust, bitterness, and hate. Show me that You may lead me to repentance. Turn me from my inward curvature. Realign my character toward You.

Call me into You. Take me into the depth of Your love and intimacy, into places I could not have known had You not allowed the pain of the plow to disturb the comfort of the field of my soul. Disturbed. Upended. Dig deeply. 

You promise: “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness--secret riches” (Isaiah 45:3a). Show me the treasures of darkness. As I gaze into the upturned dampness of my own soul, help me to mine some precious riches of Your grace. Reveal my brokenness. Life has been hard on me. I am hurting, broken, shattered. Heal me by Your grace. Make beauty.

Examine me. Test me. Draw me. I return to You. Wholeheartedly.

In the Name of the God who disciplines and draws me because He loves me.
